Rotary Club of New Canaan Announces 2024 Grant Opportunities

The Rotary Club of New Canaan has opened its annual grant application process. Applications will be accepted through March 31, 2024 from registered 501 c (3) organizations in New Canaan and neighboring areas for grants in one of the following two categories only:

1.     Health and Wellness

2.     Education and Literacy

These are based on two of Rotary International’s six Areas of Focus that are particularly applicable to our local community and of interest to our members. The majority of our club's annual fundraising efforts, including Lobsterfest, go out each year in these community grants.  In addition, our club directs part of the funds it raises locally to other Areas of Focus through contributions to regional, national and international Rotary initiatives. 

With this notice, we invite qualifying organizations to submit a grant application. The request can be made to fund special projects and capital improvements, as well as operating funds. The maximum dollar request is $1,500. Applicants are requested to provide the following information (no more than two pages please - we want to make your work light, and our work reading your application easiersmiley):

  • Name of the non-profit organization and IRS registration number
  • Contact name, with email address and phone number
  • A brief history of the organization, its mission, and major accomplishments 
  • The specific dollar amount requested (maximum request $1,500) and a description of the purpose for which funding is sought   
  • State whether the funds requested will cover the whole project or a portion of it
  • A description of how your program participants will benefit 

If your organization has any needs for volunteer service projects, please make a note in your application. While we are a relatively small club, we are, first and foremost, a service organization and we're always on the look-out for appropriate hands-on service opportunities. 

The deadline for applications is March 31, 2024. 

Please submit your application electronically (no hard copy) to the following email address:  Please name your file your organization’s name for our Dropbox.  Thank you.

Any questions about the application process should also be sent to this email address to our 2024 Allocations Chair, Charles McCool. 

Organizations receiving grants will be notified in May and funds will be distributed at an event in early June.

Photo from Annual New Canaan Rotary Club Grant Distribution Lunch

Photo of the Annual Grant Awards Lunch

The Rotary Club of New Canaan was founded in 1959 and has funded hundreds of local civic efforts and provided support for many organizations in New Canaan and neighboring communities. The proceeds from the Club’s annual LobsterFest event, held annually in New Canaan during the fall, fund the grants. The Rotary Club meets on the first four Thursdays of each month at 12:15 p.m. at Waveny House (at nearby Lapham Community Center in the summer).  Rotarians and guests are welcome.